Chepu Valley: boat ride to Coluco Lagoon, country lunch, rainforest walk and train ride

In the morning we navigate along the Chepu and Butalcura river towards the lagoon of Coluco. From the boat it will be possible to see aquatic birds like herons, coots, wigeons, ducks, teals and egrets.  
Mammals that live and can be seen along the river are the rodent Coipo (Myocastor coypus) and the Southern river-otter (Lontra provocax).

After a tasty lunch prepared by Tita, a local lady from Chepu, we'll explore a temperate rainforest with a wide range of small and bigger birds. This forest is also the habitat of the second smallest deer in the world, the Southern pudu ( Pudu pudu) of the Cervidae family and the small Huiña leopard (Leopardus guigna) of the Felidae family. Early in the morning the Darwin fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) comes out and occasionally can be seen.

To leave the forest we take Fernando’s self made train that runs on a wooden track.These types of small trains used to be common in the south of Chile and were used to take the wood out of the forest. Some were operated by oxen and Fernando’s train is made from an old Chevrolet pick up truck.


What is included in the price: Transport, boat trip, country lunch, bilingual guide, train ride

Duration: 8 hours approximately
Languages: English, Spanish, French and Dutch
Hiking level: easy
Season: October - June
Bring warm clothes , a sunhat and sunscreen!